Harrison Park



Portland Public Schools


Studio Petretti Architecture


2225 SE 87th Ave Portland, OR 97216

Estimated Completion:

August 2025



Contract Type:

Prequalified Public Hard Bid

Harrison Park Middle School
Construction Project: A Case Study

The Harrison Park Middle School Construction Project, undertaken by Inline Construction, is a significant undertaking transforming the school into a modern middle school. This case study, based on interviews with key personnel, will highlight the project's challenges, strategies, and achievements.

Project Background

The project involves a comprehensive remodel of the 91,700 square foot building, dating back to the 1940s, to modernize and enhance the learning environment. The complexities include dealing with different eras of construction, structural upgrades, safety system enhancements, and more, requiring meticulous planning and execution.

The Inline Construction Approach:
Ethics, Leadership, and Collaboration

Ethical Foundation

Greg Angus, Project Manager at Inline Construction, emphasizes the importance of ethics in their operations. "We do the right thing," he asserts, underlining the significance of integrity in handling complex projects.

Transparent Leadership

Inline's approach to leadership is characterized by transparency and respect. Project members echo the sentiment, "You run into challenging situations in construction... The last thing you want to do is compound that by not treating people with respect and being kind.”"

Collaboration with Stakeholders

Leah Dickey, the principal of Harrison Park Middle School, praises Inline's professionalism and adaptability. "It could be as much as I want it or as little as I want it," she remarks about their communication, highlighting Inline's responsiveness and integration into the school community.

Overcoming Challenges: Safety,
Complexity, and Inclusion

Prioritizing Safety

Safety is a paramount concern, especially with ongoing school activities. INLINE's commitment to maintaining a safe, disturbance-free environment is noted by staff and the school administration.

Managing Complexities

The project's complexity, involving multiple renovations and structural upgrades, is managed through real-time collaboration and adaptability. INLINE's team effectively navigates unforeseen challenges, ensuring minimal disruption to the school's functioning. Jose Gonzalez, who brings 15 years of experience, emphasis INLINE’s readiness for anything. "You never know what to expect," Scott Haroff adds, reflecting on the complexity of integrating the old with the new.

Embracing Diversity and Inclusion

INLINE's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion is evident in their staffing and subcontractor choices. Damon Roche, the owner's rep for Portland Public Schools, commends Inline for exceeding minimum diversity requirements, stating, "They live it and breathe it."

Impact and Legacy

Educational Enhancement

Leah Dickey expresses excitement about the project's outcome: "I am most excited to have the building be what it could have been all along." The project promises a transformative impact on the school's learning environment. "We joke about it, but it is true. It would be easier to build a new school," admits a team member. The project is about preserving history while infusing modern technology and amenities, making it an ideal learning environment.

Community Engagement

The project extends beyond construction, involving educational initiatives and workforce development. Inline actively engages with students, introducing them to various trades and career opportunities. "It's fun to see that," remarks a team member on introducing students to various career paths in construction. These educational initiatives reflect Inline's commitment to the community, extending beyond the physical construction.

Building for the Future

While respecting the school's historical significance, the project focuses on equipping it with modern technology and facilities. This balance between preserving history and embracing modernity marks a significant achievement for Inline and the school.

Inline Construction's Harrison Park Middle School project stands as a testament to its commitment to ethical practices, collaborative leadership, and inclusive workforce development. Through effective management of complexities and an unwavering focus on safety and quality, the project is set to leave a lasting positive impact on the school and its community.

Project Progress

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Building projects grapple with tight budgets, shifting timelines, and unforeseen site challenges. INLINE turns your toughest projects into iconic landmarks. Let’s build your vision, together.